My Treasured Book - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I purchase a guestbook if I don't live in Canada?
Of course! Using PayPal you can pay in any currency.
How do I reset my password?
Use the Forgot your password? link on the login page.
Can I download the messages posted to my guestbook?
Yes, once you activate your guestbook, you can download all the messages posted to it using the link on the dashboard.
Can I request a new background or font be added for my guestbook?
Sure, we will do our best to accommodate. Unfortunately, licensing plays a big part in what we can host. If we can get the right license for your content, we'll do our best to add it. Looking for another font, check out Google Fonts.
Can I request a feature?
We would love that! Obviously, we can't add everything that is requested but we will do our best to work it in if we think it's a worthwhile addition.
Why are guestbook links so long?
In order to validate access to a guestbook and make it more difficult for people to guess your guestbook link, we have to use special keys in the URL to ensure the link is more secure. However, be careful! Anyone with this link can post to your guestbook. Only share it with family and friends that you trust.
Have a question?
Please contact us at